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Songs from "Emo Punk Therapy"
Orchestra Riot - The Darts
Soopy - The Darts
The Irish Fire - The Darts feat. Little Flare
Songs from "Topple Over Yesteryear"
Adrenaline Spikes - The Darts
Dart Spirits 1 - The Darts
Mr. Zappatista Dude - The Darts
Needles - The Darts
The Passing - The Darts feat. Little Flare
Songs from "A Message From Papa-Sawn"
Punk Rock City - The Darts
Tentacle II - The Darts feat. Little Flare
Tourniquet - The Darts feat. Dragony
Song From "Gig 5 At Potleaf Cliff"
Conforming Sensitivity - The Darts
Song From "Back Up! Back Up!"
Psycho - The Darts