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This is where you download all the free music by The Darts you want! Yeah you punk rockers, you can download all the FREE mp3 files you want! If you want more extreme genre-defying punk rock music, you can get it by buying our cds!

Just right-click and select "save as" to download our songs!

Songs from "Emo Punk Therapy"

Orchestra Riot - The Darts

Soopy - The Darts

The Irish Fire - The Darts feat. Little Flare

Songs from "Topple Over Yesteryear"

Adrenaline Spikes - The Darts

Dart Spirits 1 - The Darts

Mr. Zappatista Dude - The Darts

Needles - The Darts

The Passing - The Darts feat. Little Flare

Songs from "A Message From Papa-Sawn"

Punk Rock City - The Darts

Tentacle II - The Darts feat. Little Flare

Tourniquet - The Darts feat. Dragony

Song From "Gig 5 At Potleaf Cliff"

Conforming Sensitivity - The Darts

Song From "Back Up! Back Up!"

Psycho - The Darts

Check Out These New Tracks!

Uploaded February 20, 2020 from albums: Multi-Pulpy Sirens, Kneaded Chearts, Plunge, and Pedestal Rising .

Cougar Claw Syndrome - The Darts

Hollowman - The Darts

Indignation - The Darts

Rhododendrons - The Darts

Skeletons - The Darts

The Walk - The Darts

Waterfall - The Darts

Whiteness - The Darts

Enjoy our music man!!!

"The Walk"

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